News & Events

Industry Space Days 2024

4 October 2024
Industry Space Days 2024 took place on September 18-19th in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. ISD is one of the biggest business events for the space sector having multiple exhibitions, presentations, panels, workshops and B2B meetings. Glen had a chance to introduce GaltTec's fuel cells, since they are an excellent fit for space applications.

GaltTec's Summer Days 2024

22 August 2024
Last week was amazing, we had our first Summer Days! We started our day at Elva Adventure Park to build up some team bonding, encouragement and strength. After that we drove to Kiidi to enjoy the amazing Southern Estonia nature and dome landscape. In Kiidi we had a seminar about aligning the team to achieve our strategic goals. We ended the night with traditional smoke sauna and bonfire. Cheers to new traditions!

GaltTec is Sparkup Incubation Alumni

27 June 2024
We graduated from the Sparkup Incubation program carried out by Sparkup Tartu Teaduspark. It was an amazing 12 months with such an important learning experiences. Also all the new friends and connections we made during the program are very much appreciated. Big thanks to everybody who participated in the program!

GaltTec was chosen to ESA BIC Incubation program

20 June 2024
ESA BIC Incubation program supports participants during their product development phase, by giving them 60,000 € grant and offering mentor support. The goal is to put GaltTec's fuel cells on the Moon. And beyond...

Last week was NATO DIANA demo week

30 May 2024
On May 22 Ternopol held a product demo event for NATO DIANA Estonian Accelerator startups and Estonian defence companies. Over 100 high-profile international defence experts were present, including the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces Martin Herem.

Latitude59 Pitch Competition was a success!

27 May 2024

We earned the investment of 100 000 €. Our pitching champion Laura was amazing and we are so proud of our whole team who made it happen!
L59 days were really busy but supper fun. It was nice to see old friends and meet new people. See you again next year!

Latitude59 Pitch Competition: we made it to the finals!

17 May 2024
Today was announced that we made it to the L59 Pitch Competition finals. We are in the TOP 5! Laura will be pitching on Bold Stage May 24 . Come and see us, cuz it is going to awesome! Also we are going to present on L59 NATO DIANA area May 22-24. Let's meet up!

Visiting NATO headquarters

17 May 2024
Today we were present at NATO headquarters, briefing allies about our innovative fuel cell technology and the importance of NATO DIANA program. It was a real honor to be invited. Till next time Brussels!

SusHi Tech Mess 2024

15 May 2024
This week we are in Tokyo, visiting Asia's biggest tech mess SusHi Tech City Tech. GaltTec is part of Tartu's delegation and we are meeting with Japan large enterprises , finding new business opportunities, discussing cooperation and innovation possibilities and of course making new friends!

NATO DIANA US Outreach Day

6 May 2024
Last month was NATO DIANA US Outreach Day and we had a chance to visit McLean Virgina. During the visit we met with DIANA network, had matchmaking sessions and meetings with the Allied government representatives, partners and investors. Thanks to all the parents, it truly was an amazing week filled with exciting opportunities!

Visting Deeptech Pub

24 April 2024
Last week our co-founder Laura had a chance to visit DeepTech Pub organised by Startup Estonia. It was a quick throwback to Hello Tomorrow and sharing our experience with partners. Laura had lots of fun and ended up meeting many interesting people and possible future partners. Thank you Startup Estonia for inviting us and see you in the next DeepTech Pub event!

Latitude 59 Pitch competition: we made it to the TOP 40!

16 April 2024
Latitude 59 Pitch competition has once again broken records. Altogether 526 applications were submitted to the the Pitch competition and we made it to the TOP 40. Come and see us pitch at Latitude 59 already at May 22-24!

GaltTec team

NATO DIANA week in Tartu

16 April 2024
Last week was NATO DIANA week in Tartu. During the mid-term meet up we had multiple workshops: IP strategy, raising venture capital, product demo, financial management and accounting etc.
On the last day we had a deep-tech meeting at Estonian National Defence where all the Accelerator teams delivered their pitches. It was really nice to meet up and share some knowledge!

GaltTec hosted Tartu Science Park coffee morning

9 April 2024
Last week we got a chance to host Tartu Science Park coffee morning. Science Park head of AI Martin Rebane, gave an overview which AI tools to use in everyday work. Also we got a chance to introduce our company to Science Park old and new friends. What a nice way to start off a gloomy morning. Thank you all for coming!

Visiting Hello Tomorrow in Paris

1 April 2024
On 21.-22 March our co-founder Laura visited Hello Tomorrow in Paris for the first time. Huge thanks to Startup Estonia for inviting us to join the Estonian delegation! It was two days filled with good emotions, awesome finds and cool new contacts. We are happy to have met so many interesting new people and especially ones who were interested in the revolutionary fuel cell technology of GaltTec.

An article about GaltTec and NATO DIANA programme was published on Bloomberg

28 March 2024
Bloomberg published the article on March 26 and it describes how GaltTec joined the programme and what roll fuel cells play in energy resilience and defence industry. All the companies participating in the programme will be rewarded a €100,000 grant each.

Estonian Innovators Study Tour in Brussels 17.-20. March

27 March 2024
It was an honour to visit Brussels last week with all these great people. Thank you for the opportunity to visit Research and innovation days including EIC Summit and see how things are going in the capital of European politics!

Read more about our co-founder Laura’s visit on LINKEDIN.

Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) cadets visited Tartu Teaduspark

25 March 2024
Last week we had a chance to host cadets from Royal Military College of Canada. The aim of the visit was to learn more about Tartu Teaduspark and GaltTec since GaltTec is part of the NATO DIANA programme. Our co-founder Glen gave the cadets one hour long presentation about GaltTec. It was a big honour to host the visitors from Canada!

GaltTec hosted visitors from the Ministry, Parliament and City Council

28 February 2024
As more people learn about GaltTec and the possibilities of our technology, we are visited by more people. During the last few weeks we have had the honour to welcome in our office representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the City of Tartu as well as members of the Parliament (photo). Thank you for taking an interest in our technology and helping to spread the word of the new age of fuel cells!

NATO DIANA programme activities have kicked off

30 January 2024
The first active week of NATO - Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) activities began couple of weeks ago. The first thing to notice was all the teams that are on this journey together with us. It felt amazing to be in the room with so many talented and passionate people, who are building great start-ups.

Find as on LINKEDIN where we share more in detail what we have been up to during this programme. 

GaltTec took part in sTARTUp Day Pitching 2024 and made it to top 5

26 January 2024
In the Pitching 2024 competition which includes the most promising early-stage start-ups, GaltTec made it to top five and was rewarded €10 000 equity-free cash from Swedbank and legal support from TRINITY. Big congrats to all the finalists and participants. Let's stay in touch!

GaltTec is at sTARTUp Day 2024

25 January 2024
GaltTec is once again present on sTARTUp Day 2024, which takes place January 24-26 and brings together over 3400 attendees and 320+ start-ups. Our co-founder Laura has already been on Pitching stage for 4 times and still going strong. Let's meet up and share some innovative ideas!

GaltTec has been chosen as one of 44 start-ups qualified to NATO DIANA programme

30 November 2023
We are so grateful for this opportunity as well as proud of ourselves for making it. The next 6 month are going to be full of intense work developing our prototype and testing it and we couldn't be more excited. Two of our founders Glen and Laura gave an interview to Delfi.

GaltTec team

Visiting TechBBQ 2023 in Denmark

18 September 2023
On the 13.-14. September, our co-founder Laura visited TechBBQ - the biggest startup festival in Northern Europe. The days were full of learning, finding lots of inspiration and meeting interesting people from all over the world. Big thank you to everyone who found the time to exchange ideas and chat about the future of tech startups in Europe.

GaltTec was at Latitude59 2023

27 May 2023
We had an honor and pleasure to have a booth at Latitude59 demo area. Big thanks to everybody who stopped by. We take so much positive and inspiring with us into the coming summer. Startup scene in Estonia is still going strong and it was great to see that deeptech is on the rise. Hope to meet you all soon again!

Come visit our booth at Latitude59 on 25-26 May 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia

24 May 2023
Our fabulous team welcomes all of you at our booth in the demo area during Latitude59. We are also planning to be present at several side events. Cannot wait to meet all of you!

Meet us at Deep Tech Atelier 2023 in Riga, Latvia

18 April 2023
Our representatives are visiting Riga to meet up other deep tech minded peers. Riga is a wonderful city and the attendance list promises for great two days. Let's catch up and talk!

sTARTUp Day 2023 - We did it all

17 March 2023
What an absolute pleasure it was to be out at sTARTup Day 2023! What a blast! It was great to see and talk to so many wonderful people. A truly inspiring environment and experience. We even got a chance to pitch in an ice bath. A big shout-out to University of Tartu and Tartu Science Park for their help!

Meet us at sTARTUp Day 2023

10 March 2023
We will be hanging out at Tartu Science Park booth throughout the whole festival and delivering pitches at several locations. Come meet us and ask every imaginable question about microtubular solid oxide fuel cells and our future plans!
15-17 March 2023 in Tartu, Estonia that is. Let's meet up!

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